DOH – Department of Health . This site contains material produced by and for the Department of Health which is of relevance to health and social care professionals
PPA – Prescription Pricing Authority . The Prescription Pricing Authority prices NHS prescriptions dispensed in England and records prescription details on the largest database of its kind in Europe
HOW – Scottish Health on the Web provides a focal point for NHS in Scotland
NICE – The National Institute for Clinical Excellence. NICE provides the NHS (patients, health professionals and the public) in England and Wales with authoritative, robust and reliable guidance on current “best practice”
BMA online – British Medical Association. The BMA is both the doctors’ professional organisation and an independent trade union protecting the professional and personal interests of its members. It is the voice of the profession
Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain . The professional organisation and governing body for pharmacy.
NHS Evidence Health Information Resources
British Heart Foundation
Allergy UK
nhs choices England
British Generic Manufacturers Association